About Us
Personalized. Friendly. Quality Education.
Tongxin Learning Centre is registered with MOE. It specialises in the teaching of Chinese language. The centre has successfully engaged Mdm Wong Hwee Yong as our anchor teacher. Mdm Wong is an experienced educator with 17 years of teaching experiences in her former school, Maha Bodhi School which is a premier SAP school. Over the years, she has won constant praises from satisfied parents. She has a degree majoring in Chinese Literature, and is a winner of the LEAP (Listening Educator for Advancement and Progress) award 2017 which was launched by former President S R Nathan in 2011 to recognise exceptional teachers who have made a positive impact in nurturing their students from the heart. This learning centre is not just another ordinary tuition centre, but a place for our young talents to excel and lay a solid foundation in Chinese Language, nurturing them to embrace Chinese Language and its culture.