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Dear parents, 

These are the measures that we have put in place to safeguard your children.

1. TraceTogether Token/App
Children should have their TraceTogether token or app with them in the centre to facilitate accurate contact tracing, should the need arise. Children who come for classes must check-in with their token or app. Children without the token or app will not be allowed to attend the class. Your child will be sent back to take his/her token or have to wait outside the Centre while a family member delivers the token. There will be no replacement lesson in this case. Please ensure that your child’s token is in working condition. 


2. Temperature taking
Temperature will also be taken before the class. Children having temperature of more than 37.6 degrees celsius will be sent home. 


3. Intervals of 15 minutes between classes
There will be 15 minutes interval between classes. This is to minimize the interactions of children between 2 classes. This is to allow adequate time to disinfect classroom surfaces, and to ensure strict separation of individuals from different classes.


4. Coming on time for class
Your child is highly encouraged to come on time for lessons. Children who arrive early for class will have to wait outside the Centre until the earlier class is dismissed and the teacher calls them in. This is to minimize interactions between the 2 classes. Similarly, we appeal parents to pick up your child on time. If not, your child will have to wait outside the Centre.


5. Use of surgical masks by teachers and children
All children and staff will be required to wear masks at all times. Please be reassured that our teachers have been using 3-ply surgical masks during lessons instead of face shield. If your child’s mask is loose or ill-fitting, please replace your child’s mask. If children or teachers want to drink water during lesson time, they will have to go out of the centre to drink water in open space. 


6. Unwell children
On the part of parents, please continue to monitor your child’s health, and seek medical attention immediately, if unwell. If your child is on MC, kindly refrain from sending your child for tuition class. If your child didn’t attend school, he/she should not attend tuition classes as well.  Only children with valid MC will have a lesson credited in the coming term. Children should stay at home if their household members exhibit flu-like symptoms.


7. Leave of absence and Quarantine Order 
Children who are placed on Leave of Absence (LOA) or Approved Absence (AA) by their schools, or children and staff who are on a Stay Home Notice (SHN), or Home Quarantine Order are not allowed to enter the centre premises. If your child is on LOA given by the school, please do not send your child for tuition classes. Children who have household members on Home Quarantine Order/Stay Home Notice are required to stay away from classes until the first QCR test is negative. Please notify us so that your child will have their missed lessons credited in the coming term.


8. Fully vaccinated teachers and staff
Our teachers and staff are fully vaccinated. 


9. Safe Distancing
All children will be seated away from their classmates with at least 1 metre safe distancing. There is no group work in class. There is strict separation between children in different classrooms at all times, with no intermingling.


Tongxin Learning Centre

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Block 305, Ubi Avenue 1, #02-169, Singapore 400305

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